Does your dog suffer from allergy in Spring Here’s what to know

Yes, spring is always long awaited. This is the season of the awakening of nature, the beautiful days of sun and warmth, the colors and scents of flowers, but…help!
It is also allergies season. Therefore, not everyone can say: Welcome Spring! And this also applies to our four-legged friends.
Many of you may not know this but, as for people, spring allergy doesn’t spare even our dog and our cat. Unfortunately, they too are subject to environmental allergies.
But how to understand that our Fido or our Kitty suffers from allergy? Simple.
If you notice that he often has excessive “itching” it is fair to think that maybe it is a form of allergy. In this case the best and appropriate thing to do is to consult first of all your trusted veterinarian.
What causes allergies?
As many of you know, the main causes of allergies in Spring are blooms and pollen.
Allergies are in fact a physiological reaction to external elements called allergens, and therefore pollens and blooms.
The dog and cat’s body reacts, as we do, to these generally harmless substances that, perceived as harmful, trigger a reaction of the immune system, often even very strong.
How to recognize environmental allergy in the dog
In the field of allergies, however, a distinction must be made between environmental allergies, and therefore spring allergies and food allergies. Spring allergies in dogs can be confused with food allergies.
How to distinguish them? The first indicator to take into account is the seasonality with which the symptoms manifest themselves.
And this is because the dog, as well as the cat, scratches itself physiologically and this is a normal attitude.
In the case of environmental allergies, however, itching occurs assiduously and insistently, often with almost violent attacks. They will also follow a continuous licking, and then dermatitis and redness that are unleashed only during the spring period.
However – we reiterate this because it is very important – if you notice that your dog, or cat, is scratching insistently, consult immediately a veterinarian.
Only he/she will ascertain that it is really an allergy, thus avoiding that the symptoms are confused with more serious and complex pathological situations.
What are the most affected areas and the most serious symptoms?
As experts explain, usually the areas affected by spring allergies for our dogs are the eyes, the auricle, the area under the chin, the armpits, and the inner thigh. In these affected areas can be observed irritation and redness of the skin, often also the onset of pustules.
Among the symptoms that characterize the spring allergies of our furry friends can also appear the fall, in significant amounts, of hair.
Moreover – relevant factor – we must never underestimate the forms of allergic asthma that may appear in the dog.
In the most serious and alarming cases of allergy – explain the veterinarians – the dog may have trouble breathing.
Therefore, frequent sneezing, heavy and laboured breathing should prompt you to contact a veterinarian immediately.
Are there cats and dogs prone to environmental allergies?
Generally, the dog and the cat are not born with particular allergies, so it is not in their genetics, but they can develop them if they have been in contact with an allergen for a long time. However, in some dog breeds allergies occur with some frequency.
As experts say, the owners of Terrier, Dalmatian, Labrador, Irish Setters and German Shepherds dogs must sharpen their sight and be much more careful.
Remedies for allergies
Once your veterinarian has determined that your beloved furry friend has an allergic form, he will be prescribed appropriate therapy to reduce its symptoms and annoyances. But unfortunately, as with humans, allergy cannot be eradicated altogether.
When you take your four-legged friend to the veterinarian, he will be subjected to an intradermal test that will identify the substances to which he is allergic and accordingly he will be prescribed therapy to reduce his symptoms.
Some suggestions
Palliative care for dogs with an allergy that is manifested by eye discomfort – among the most common symptoms – are eye drops.
Aries Natural Solutions have designed Eyes Vet, a natural base product and therefore very delicate.
About this specific allergic symptom and the product that we propose as a cleanser and emollient, we tell you more in the article on “allergic conjunctivitis of dogs”.